Primary Water Science Development

BTD researched the subject of primary water veins in depth and we were extremely surprised to find that major water related institutions simply do not recognize or acknowledge the phenomenon of primary water.

Primary water is not recognized by the hydrological community or global water foundations and institutions. It is not universally acknowledge as a powerful solution in the many countries facing huge water supply challenges in the near future.

BTD has taken the initiative to create close relationships with all the dowsers we could find across the globe. A dialogue about existing projects and primary water vein identification is ongoing.

BTD has created a trusted global network of primary experts. This way many experiences can be shared and projects executed in close peer to peer collaboration to enhance the visibility and potential of primary water exploration. Locating primary water in drought stricken areas can make the difference between wellness and disease or even life and death.

To further enhance the technology of primary water exploration, BTD researches the design principles of a primary water detector in collaboration with a number of scientists and experts in the field.

Enhancing the Technology of Primary Water Exploration

BTD is aware that the technology of primary water exploration needs broader recognition and a substantial increase in the number of dedicated, well trained, well equipped and collaborating primary water dowsers and drilling experts.

We will endeavor to provide on-going educational programs for the future development of dowsers, plus the scientific development of technology that will assist BTD to refine its abilities to detect water.

It is obvious that primary water veins need to be tapped globally as soon as possible on a large scale in an ethical way to support the lives of those who most need the water. If we solve a water crisis, we solve a potential global food crisis.

Global Water Challenges Ground water levels fall rapidly all over the world. In some important food producing areas, underground aquifers have become polluted or saline. They are therefore unsuitable for drinking water and agriculture applications. In other areas ground water levels are being rapidly depleted as a result of significant over pumping for extended periods of time. Climate Change related rainwater redistribution further aggravates the water shortages in some of the most important food producing regions in the world. Serious water stress is expected in many areas in the world. There is considered to be "water stress" when the supply of fresh water per inhabitant/year is less than 1700 m3. “Water scarcity" is reached if the annual fresh water supply falls below 1000 m3 per capita. According to UNO estimates, the number of people forced to live with water scarcity will increase to around 5.4 billion over the next 25 years.

This is due to rapidly falling ground water levels all over the world and the lack of momentum to provide funds for costly centralized water solutions such as massive irrigation projects, seawater evaporation and other ways of providing water.

The exploration of primary water represents a departure from these centralized and extremely expensive techniques. It provides a distributed and affordable solution in a world suffering from multiple financial, environmental and social crises.

Every few years, the UN publishes their World Water Development Report. Collaborated with the heads of 26 nations, this 500+ page report updates the status of our rapidly dwindling fresh water supply, as well as outlines all ideas to solve the impending crisis.

Since 2003, when the report first released to the public, the news continues to be extremely grim. Their findings are downright depressing. Roughly 1.5 billion people - more than 22% of the world's population - lack safe drinking water.

The International Water Management Institute estimates 33% of the world's population will live in countries with water scarcity by 2025. That simply means that in less than 20 years, we won't be able to pretend water shortages are only confined to the Third World. In fact, there are already plenty of developed countries where water is too scarce to satisfy the needs of the population.

It's a function of rising population and demand. There are perpetually more people who constantly want more water. And soon, there won't be enough water to supply us all.

Not only is it needed by all agricultural systems, without water, it's impossible to generate energy. Whether it's nuclear, hydro, coal, or oil - abundant supplies of water are absolutely necessary when it comes to generating energy.

  • It takes as much as 2 billion gallons of water per day to refine just 800 million gallons of petroleum products
  • Oil shale extraction uses about 5 barrels of water for every one barrel of oil produced
  • 800 gallons of water are required to generate one megawatt-hour of electricity
  • Nuclear plants suck up more than 33 million gallons of water each day for cooling purposes

A typical 500-megawatt coal power plant uses up about 2.2 billion gallons of water each year - enough to support a city of 250,000 people. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development actually released a study on this very issue last March. They found demand for energy drives demand for more water, and demand for more water drives demand for more energy. It's a never- ending spiral.

And just like oil, the more scarce water becomes, the higher the price. If that wasn't bad enough, the major oil companies are scooping up existing water rights at an alarming pace - before farmers and residential communities can get to them. In other words, they're buying up local water futures, potentially dehydrating entire cities.

The population may be increasing exponentially every second, but 97.5% of the world's water supply - the salty oceans - is often too expensive to deliver desalination water, the energy costs are too high unless new technology is applied.

Our Bloom the Desert dowsers have confirmed that water can be found literally anywhere at depth varying from 50 Ft to 300 Ft. The capacity of the veins can go from 200 liters per minute to much higher capacities of 20 cubic meters per minute. The veins are inexhaustible, because their origin is deep in the core of the earth, where water is constantly produced at high temperatures and pressures combining incumbent hydrogen with incumbent oxygen in the earth's core.

Some dowsers say that primary water is the very source of water that formed the seas in the first place. It is a perpetual process. The theories vary from dowser to dowser but all agree that the veins flow continuously, have there own quality/quantity signature and all veins produce potable water.